nba雷霆三巨头英文 雷霆已有三巨头

作者:98篮球网 发布时间:2020-10-12 09:52:15

nba雷霆三巨头英文 雷霆已有三巨头(1)

今天,他又在承受《The Athletic》闻名记者Anthony-Slater采访时谈到了新赛季的雷霆,KD表明雷霆其实也有三巨子。(Warriors star Kevin Durant is not looking forward to playing against the Thunder’s Big Three of Russell Westbrook, Paul George and Steven Adams next season.)

nba雷霆三巨头英文 雷霆已有三巨头(2)

“不论你承不供认,他们现在也有了威少、泡椒和亚当斯的三巨子,”杜兰特坦率地说道:“我以为只要他们相互给对方喂球传球,他们的竞赛也会十分美观。你知道,我现已是他们的球迷了。”(“They got Russ and PG and Steven Adams to be their Big 3. I think if they feed off each other, it could be great. I’m a fan of the game.)

nba雷霆三巨头英文 雷霆已有三巨头(3)

“所以无论如何,我都能想到这样的组合必定会是最好的组合,但对于我们勇士和联盟其他球队来说,这就太糟糕了!可是如果你是球迷,你必定很想知道他们是怎样打球的。”KD最终直言。(So I can see if something is going to work or not and I think that’s going to be a really, really great pairing.)

nba雷霆三巨头英文 雷霆已有三巨头(4)

先是狼队五巨子、再是雷霆三巨子,明显从杜少的话中能够听出。新赛季勇士在西部的日子肯定不会好过,但也正是这样,勇士一旦完结两连冠,含金量将会高的吓人。不过这句“如果他们相互喂球”的话,断定不是在黑谁吗?(“It’s going to suck for us and the rest of the league. But as a fan of the game, it’s going to be tight to see how they work that thing out.”)



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